The effect of using kefir grains and mesenchymal stem cells in LPS-induced Alzheimer’s disease neuroinflammatory model

Mai M. Anwar, Ola S. M. Ali, Laila Ahmed R., Badawi A. M., Nadia A. Eltablawy


La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) se caracteriza por una acumulación severa de placas amiloides y ovillos neurofibrilares acompañados de disfunciones cognitivas severas que conducen a cambios importantes que afectan la calidad del patrón de vida diaria del paciente. El objetivo del presente estudio es investigar los efectos de la administración de células madre mesenquimales (MSC) y/o granos de kéfir de leche en el modelo de tipo neuroinflamatorio de EA inducida por LPS de manera alternativa. Se observó que una elevación significativa del perfil lipídico y el estrés oxidativo estaban relacionados con EA de tipo neuroinflamatoria inducida con LPS. La expresión del gen BDNF, Bcl-2 y seladin-1 también se redujo significativamente en ratas con EA, mientras que la expresión relativa de Bax aumentó significativamente. La administración de granos de kéfir de leche y/o MSC suprimió los inconvenientes de la EA incluyendo cambios de comportamiento y memoria. Conclusión: La administración previa y la coadministración de granos de kéfir de leche con MSC pueden actuar como un neuromodulador activo que atenúa el proceso inflamatorio patológico subyacente que acompaña a la EA, lo que resulta en la progresión de daños en el tejido cerebral.


Abstract: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by severe accumulation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles accompanied with cognitive dysfunction leading to major changes affecting the quality of patient daily life pattern. Objective: To investigate the effect of MSCs and/or milk kefir grains in LPS –induced AD in female albino rats in alternating manner. Materials and Methods: Sixty female albino rats were divided into equal six groups (ten rats each): group 1: healthy control; group 2: LPS-induced AD; group 3: LPS-induced AD rats received single intravenous injection of MSCs; group 4: LPS-induced AD rats received oral milk kefir; group 5: LPS-induced AD rats received a single intravenous injection of MSCs with a daily milk kefir grain administration for a month; group 6: Rats received kefir for one week prior to the induction of AD followed by a single intravenous injection of MSCs with a daily milk kefir grain administration for a month. AD was assessed by T maze behavioural test month after induction. Brain tissue was collected for monitoring BDNF, Bax, Bcl-2 and seladin-1 gene expression with the measurement of TNF-α, IL-10 and tissue cholesterol. Plasma lipid profile, GSH and MDA were also determined. Results: Revealed that significant elevation of lipid profile and oxidative stress in association with LPS-induction. BDNF, Bcl-2 and seladin-1 gene expression were significantly reduced in AD while Bax mRNA gene was significantly increased. Administration of kefir and /or MSCs suppressed LPS –induced AD. Conclusion: The pre and co-administration of kefir with MSCs could act as a potent modulator attenuating the underling pathological inflammatory process accompanying AD which results in the progression of brain damage.

Keywords: Alzheimer's disease; MSCs; kefir grains; LPS; Bax; BDNF; Seladin-1.

Palabras clave

Enfermedad de Alzheimer; neuroinflamación; MSC; granos de kéfir; LPS; Bax; BDNF; Seladin-1.

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