Review Article
of perinatal undernutrition on juvenile play development of rats
Efectos de
la desnutrición perinatal en el desarrollo del juego juvenil de ratas
1*Manuel Salas, 1Mirelta
Regalado, 1Carmen Torrero
1Institute of Neurobiology, University of Mexico, Campus
UNAM Juriquilla, Queretaro, Qro. Mexico.
Correspondencia: *Ph.
D. Manuel Salas. Institute of Neurobiology. University of Mexico. Campus UNAM Juriquilla, Querétaro, Qro. México.
Recibido: Mayo 25, 2023 |
Aceptado: Julio 25, 2023
la rata el juego social es una respuesta innata, necesaria para promover el
desarrollo de habilidades motrices, el rango social y el aprendizaje de
respuestas esenciales para sobrevivir. Asimismo, el desarrollo del juego es un
proceso complejo donde los protagonistas son expuestos a múltiples influencias
sensoriales, y estresores ambientales incluyendo entre otros al aislamiento
materno breve y el aporte de alimento. Tanto la malnutrición como la
desnutrición perinatal afectan el desarrollo cerebral y sus funciones, al
reducir el número de neuronas, depósito de mielina, número de dendritas y los
contactos sinápticos en diversas estructuras corticales y subcorticales que
participan en la integración del juego social. En esta revisión se analiza el
impacto de diferentes modelos experimentales de restricción de alimento, y cómo
el deficiente desarrollo sensorial asociado en diferentes áreas cerebrales
pudiera impactar la transmisión, codificación de señales e integración de la
actividad neuronal involucrada en el procesado del juego juvenil. Los hallazgos
revisados pudieran ser relevantes para la comprensión de las alteraciones en el
desarrollo del juego social, dependiente del trastorno sensorial causado por la
restricción temprana de alimento. Estas alteraciones interfieren con mecanismos
relacionados con la obtención de habilidades motoras, experiencia temprana y la
cognición que pueden reconocerse durante la juventud y la adultez.
Palabras clave: Desnutrición perinatal, desarrollo sensorial
y juego, ratas.
In rats, juvenile play is an innate behavior that
improves motor skills, builds social ranking, and provides basic learning
experiences for survival. Juvenile play is also a complex process in which the
animals are exposed to multisensory signals and environmental stressors,
including maternal separation and perinatal food restriction. Perinatal
malnutrition or undernutrition impedes brain growth and functions by decreasing
neurogenesis, myelination, and the number of dendritic and synaptic contacts at
different cortical and subcortical brain areas subserving juvenile play
combinations. In this review we examined, in the rat, the impact of
experimental models of perinatal food restriction, and how disordered sensory
activities at different brain levels may disrupt the transmission, encoding and
integration of the neuronal activity underlying the complex expression of
juvenile play. Moreover, current findings may be relevant to understand how the
sensory impairments provoked by perinatal undernutrition and its associated
stressors may alter the mechanisms involved in motor skill development,
early-life experiences and cognition as observed in youth and adulthood.
Keywords: Early undernutrition, sensory and play development, rats.
1. Introduction
In mammalian species the neuronal mechanisms underlying juvenile play
and reproductive-like functions are integrated in the cortical and subcortical
brain structures that evoke motivation, autonomic states, refined movement
displacements and postural adaptive responses.1-4 Juvenile
play is a sexually dimorphic, pleasurable, voluntary activity that consists in
abundant stereotyped movements initiated when the animal is relaxed and
healthy.5,6 Furthermore, juvenile play is a complex social
response in which the participants are exposed to several multisensory
environmental signals and conditions that may influence the organization and
expression of late non-social behaviors like flight, hunting, fighting, and
reproductive activities, among others.7,8
Unfortunately, evidence about the neuronal mechanisms underlying basic juvenile
neuromotor activity in healthy and in handicapped and rehabilitated subjects is
sometimes contradictory, as diverse non-physiological procedures, ages, and
species have been used.9,10
In rodents, perinatal food restriction and the
associated impoverishment of neonatal sensory stimulation are some of the
non-genetic factors that may interfere with early brain development and are
determinants for social behavioral disruption in adulthood.11,12 In the rat, perinatal undernutrition or malnutrition significantly
interferes with brain development and functions by reducing neurogenesis,
myelination, and the number and density of dendritic arbors, spines and
synaptic contacts in different areas of the brain.13-19 These anatomical alterations associated with early sensory deficiencies
result in an immature brain with impaired sensory and hormonal organization
that affects an animal’s response to environmental demands.20
Furthermore, brain alterations may disturb the transmission, encoding and
integration of ascending neuronal information from the peripheral receptors to
the cerebral cortex, affecting the integration of reflex, locomotor and social
motivational activities including juvenile play responses.2,21-30 The aim of this review was to analyze and compare the effects of
different perinatal food restriction procedures, the associated impaired
sensory maturation, and the role of mother-litter bond deficiencies in the
mechanisms underlying the juvenile play development of rats.
2. Undernutrition and juvenile play
2.1. Effects
of olfactory and cortical influences
Several reports
showed that in the study of play fighting in rats, bilateral olfactory
bulbectomy or induced anosmia by zinc-sulfate olfactory mucosa painting, at 23
or 24 days of age, did not affect the frequency of play fighting and play
initiation by males, but slightly increased the frequency of play fighting
without affecting play initiation in females. These findings suggested that
early modulatory influences of the olfactory bulbs in the cortical and limbic
structures and their association with amygdala activation were not especially
relevant for play fighting expression.31 However,
when total decorticated rats were assessed in like-lesioned pairs, the
frequency of pinning—in which one rat stands over a supine partner during play
fighting—was reduced about by 50%, and average pin durations were shorter.
Furthermore, separate tests of play solicitation behaviors did not identify any
differences between controls and decorticated subjects suggesting that play
motivation remained intact. Although studies in neonatal decorticate rats
indicate little effects on rough-and-tumble play, these may be explained by
moderate impairments in motor-postural control and/or reduced cortical
somatosensory excitability.32 Additionally, from
postnatal days (PDs) 25 to 40, decorticate rats exhibited a 50% decrease in
juvenile play fighting but increased the types of defensive responses compared
to controls. The findings suggest that the cerebral cortex may interfere with
the defensive responses of juvenile rats with prolonged ventral-ventral contact
during play fighting.33 However, other
studies have analyzed the effects of cortical and subcortical diffuse neuronal
damages associated with neonatal undernutrition and sensory deprivation in the
rat. The results showed that the total mean frequency of boxing, wrestling, and
pinning markedly increased in male and female rats from PDs 20 to 60. Moreover,
females exhibited an increase in juvenile play and during the interaction in
pairs in the prepuberal period.34 These findings
suggested that early food restriction and sensory deprivation were concurrent
with reduced maternal anogenital licking and body contacts directed to the
newborns which may have interfered with the somatosensory diffuse cortical and
subcortical brain maturation, including the structures underlying juvenile play
at peripheral and central modulatory mechanisms.19,27,30,31,35-37
In summary, the
findings of these studies indicated that modulatory influences in the cortical
and limbic structures via the olfactory bulbs and amygdala activation did not
seem to be particularly relevant for juvenile play expression in rats.
Furthermore, the findings showed that complete cerebral cortex removal
decreases juvenile play fighting responses by 50% compared with sham-control
subjects. Additionally, the diffuse cortical damages elicited by neonatal
undernutrition also reduced play behavior in pairs or groups of rats, although
food restriction and sensory stimulation increased the mean number of total
dorsal body contacts, compared with pins directed to the nape and flank areas,
which were significantly reduced (Fig.1).10 The
effects of juvenile play on neonatal decorticate rats may be also explained by
moderate impairments in motor cortical control mechanisms, as exhibited by
increases in diverse types of defensive responses.32
The preweaning growth
of young rats is highly dependent on intense mother/litter bonds that impact
both maternal care activities and the newborn’s somatosensory and motor
development including play performance. In this regard recent studies indicated
that the maternal motivation of F1 underfed lactating dam’s changes throughout
lactation. Thus, when maternal motivation was evaluated at PD 90, by recording
deficiencies in retrieving, handling shavings, and crouching posture at PDs 4
and 12, the motivation of F1dams for pups was high (day 4) or declining at PD
12. Additionally, maternal motivation was correlated with c-Fos immunostaining
of neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and basolateral amygdala
(BLA) when pups were removed from the dams 90 min after suckling. The findings
showed that early underfed dams had Fos-I neuronal deficiencies in the mPFC,
with minor effects on the BLA, possibly because the sensory cues required to
evoke maternal motivation and possible the juvenile play motivation were
suboptimal and/or due to deficient maternal network electrical transmission
that are relevant to trigger deficient cognitive mother-litter bonds, mutually
interfered with the neuronal network of adolescent rats for further play
development.38 Current findings support the role of the maternal
prefrontal cortex in the integration of sensory signals transmitted from
different olfactory, visual, somatosensory, and auditory neuronal routes, with
the limbic structures regulating the internal emotional states. Moreover, these
sensory avenues are essential for cognitive spatiotemporal performance, such as
maternal care, social play, attentiveness, and locomotor activity.
Specifically, the mPFC, BLA and cerebellar vermis play an important role in
maternal memory consolidation, decision making and conditioned learning.4,21,23,39-42 Studies in early underfed F1dams have evaluated the
anatomical effects of reduction (Golgi-Cox) on the distal dendritic segments of
layer III pyramidal neurons, perikaryon measurements, and the number of
dendritic spines in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), mPFC and BLA.38,43 In the newborn, the ACC, mPFC and BLA are a part of
the neuronal networks associated with social play development, maternal
response, motivation, and emotional states, among others.6
Unfortunately, current knowledge about how perinatal undernutrition influences
juvenile play motivation is still limited. There is little information on the
specific anatomical network damages underlying the motivational responses
integrated at the brainstem level. Moreover, how they are possibly combined
with the deficient multisensory arousal systems, and the origins of the
autonomic nervous substrate associated with visceral activities and basic
coordinated movements involved in juvenile play development.
2.2. Effects
of somatosensory influence
somatosensory stimulation is a relevant source of influence to modulate the
expression of specific adaptive motor responses in young rats, including
maternal anogenital licking, huddling, grooming, suckling, and retrieving.
These responses are elicited by sensitive skin receptors located in strategic
areas of the pup’s body. adaptive motor responses including reflex activity,
locomotion, posture for retrieving, and juvenile play development, among
others.5,10,22,25,44-49 In this context, a series of experiments have shown
the relevant effects somatosensory stimulation of the skin to evoke juvenile
play in rats. For example, local xylocaine anesthesia of the dorsal body
surface of rats reduced the frequency of pinning during play performance, by
35% to 70%, while motivation to play remained intact. The findings suggested
that dorsal body surface anesthetization decreased the stimulation of
somatosensory receptors that trigger juvenile play expression. Thus, when
untreated rats were paired with locally anesthetized rats, the untreated rats
consistently pinned the dorsal body area of anesthetized rats more than vice
versa but maintaining the motivational play response.25
Another point of
interest to study the role of somatosensory influence was to analyze if during
juvenile play in pairs or groups of subjects (n=4 per group) of the same sex,
the somatosensory contacts given by F1 underfed rats at the nape, flanks, and
the hairy dorsal skin areas to invite a partner to play, could have different
effects on the frequency of hairy skin pinning throughout the testing sessions
from PDs 15 to 60. According to several studies, pinning is a reliable
indicator to measure juvenile play components in rats.6 Findings
on the total number of pins given by an early F1 underfed rat to a partner
showed that pins to the nape and flanks were unaffected or poorly activated,
whereas pins to the hairy dorsal area decreased. Moreover, pinning increased
more during juvenile play in pairs than in groups with perinatal
undernutrition.10 Additionally, the effects of early handling for 5 min
from PDs 1-7, and the exposure to a sensory-enriched environment for 30 min a
day from PDs 8 to 30 to ameliorate the effects of the underfeeding maneuvers,
were evaluated. The results indicated significant increments in the number of
pins directed to the dorsal body area of the sham-ligated, underfed,
sensory-stimulated controls (LCS) versus the nipple-ligated, and sensory
stimulated (LUS) rats playing in pairs, with negligible effects on contacts
directed to the other skin areas during group play (Fig. 1). Additionally, this
peculiar profile of hairy skin contacts may be explained because early
undernutrition reduces the pleasantness of tactile stimulation, which in turn
interferes with juvenile play.50 The findings in LUS
versus LCS group reductions may be related to a lower number of somatosensory
receptors in dorsal skin or to low tactile skin excitability that diminishes
the sense of pleasantness required to elicit juvenile play in underfed partners
that did not receive relevant early sensory stimulation (Fig. 1).51 In line with this assumption, several studies have
suggested that sensory deprivation associated with perinatal undernutrition may
lead to an increase in high-frequency (60 kHz) ultrasonic calls and that
sensory deprivation may cause an incomplete or distorted sensory image of
cortical neuronal representation during ontogenetic development, thus affecting
juvenile play performance.10,49,52,53 Furthermore, movement
restriction decreases the number and distribution of spines along apical shafts
of layer V pyramidal cells in the prefrontal and sensory cortices (rapid
Golgi), the hippocampus and the basolateral amygdala (Golgi-Cox) in
peripubertal rats, probably due to the stress from the restriction maneuver,
which affects play expression.54,55 In summary the
experimental findings showed that the dorsal skin area of early underfed rats
may have a reduced number of somatosensory receptors and/or reduced
excitability to evoke play behavior compared with other skin body regions.
Furthermore, xylocaine anesthetization of the dorsal body surface of rats
reduced the frequency of pinning by 35% to 70% with intact motivation to play
compared with saline control subjects.
2.3. Thalamic
relays and juvenile play behavior
Juvenile play in rats
has also been evaluated by discrete electrolytic lesions in different key
thalamic nuclei associated with the sensory modulation of ascending electrical
signals reaching specific sensory regions of the cerebral cortex.25,56 Discrete lesions to the parafascicular or posterior
thalamic regions significantly decrease the frequency of pinning in juvenile
rats, while sparse lesions interfere with the motivation to play. Similar
lesions placed within the ventrobasal thalamic nucleus have minimal effects on
both pinning and play solicitation, whereas electrolytic lesions within
ventrolateral aspects of the brain stem significantly reduce pinning, with no
effects on play motivation. These findings are inconclusive because the
behavioral experiments used to evaluate the potential damage mechanisms may be
more anatomically and functionally complicated. However, the overall pattern of
results indicates that these thalamic areas may be involved in the sensory
modulatory mechanisms underlying juvenile play.25
Additionally, similar studies showed that rough-and tumble social play, evaluated
by the frequency of pinning, was significantly reduced in the dorsomedial
thalamus and parafascicular region of juvenile rats by 33% and 73%,
respectively. Moreover, the parafascicular lesions elicited effects on average
pin durations, making them 105% longer than those of controls; and lesions in
the parafascicular but not in the dorsomedial regions reduced play solicitation
behaviors.57 These results of discrete thalamic lesions and
juvenile play development indicated that the changes were limited because the
site, extension of lesions, and lack of basic neuronal excitatory/inhibitory
thalamic connectivity were not well-known.
Additionally, several
studies have suggested that the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) and the lateral
thalamic nucleus (LTN) are also associated with the control of sensory afferent
transmission.58 In this regard, the use of neonatal undernutrition in
rats by transferring half of the litter (n=4) from the nest to an incubator for
12 h a day from PDs 1 to 23 resulted in significant reductions of the cell body
and dendritic field areas (Golgi-Cox), as well as in the number of dendritic
branches of TRN neurons, with no significant differences between groups when
similar neuronal measurements in the LTN were evaluated.56 In
summary these findings suggest that discrete thalamic electrolytic lesions may
result in variable deficiencies in juvenile play performance. Furthermore, they
provide additional information of neuronal alterations in some of the thalamic
nuclei associated with sensory transmission in early underfed rats. These
morphofunctional alterations may disrupt the sensory ascending modulatory
mechanisms underlying social play development.1,10 However,
more experimental data on the modulatory thalamic sensory relays under
different developmental conditions are needed to understand the role of
ascending/descending neuronal discharges in triggering autonomic and
motor-powered juvenile play expression in rats.
2.4. Effects of auditory stimulation on
juvenile performance
A study of juvenile
play development in rats with early auditory deficiencies showed that a
punctured tympanic bilateral membrane with the pinna of the ear folded over the
ear opening significantly reduced juvenile play.25 In other
experiments, an analysis of high-frequency 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations
(USVs) emitted by pairs of control rats before and during juvenile play
revealed that auditory interactions were significantly abundant and associated
with a confident affective state eliciting communicative playful body contacts
with the partner.59 Furthermore, when both partners in a playing pair
were devocalized, the frequency of playful attacks was significantly disrupted.
When play was assessed between a vocal and a non-vocal partner, rats preferred
to play with the one able to vocalize. By contrast, in a similar study 50 kHz
calls by juvenile rats did not signal playful interactions compared with adult
rats.59 The findings suggest that in juvenile rats, 50 kHz
USVs play a small role in maintaining a playful mood and generating auditory
signals to one another during play fighting. In general, the authors conclude
that vocalizations have a slight role in juvenile play but serve a more
significant role in modulating adult interactions between strangers, allowing
for the tactical mitigation of the risk of aggression.59
Additionally, malnourished male rats fed with a deficient diet (6% casein)
before mating and during pregnancy and tested for USVs after brief nest
isolation or cooling conditions at PDs 7, 9 and 11, were compared with
well-nourished pups (25% casein). Thus, prenatally malnourished pups emitted a
smaller variety of calls, with fewer ascending USVs at PDs 7 and 9, and greater
descending USVs at PD 11. The findings reflect altered interactions in central
brain structures and functional maturation that may predict deficits in
adaptive behavior including juvenile play at later ages.60
According to previous
morphological studies on neonatal undernourishment in rats, in which half of
the litter (4 out of 8 pups) were removed from the nest and placed in an
incubator (12 h) from PDs 1-23, Golgi-Cox-stained bipolar neurons in the medial
superior olive presented alterations in the dendritic arbor and binaural
modulatory interactions with the auditory axon terminals.61 These
findings may anticipate that the modulatory system at the first relays of the
auditory pathway may disrupt the central integration of the afferent auditory
signals of play involved in the binaural interactions between the axon
terminals, and the ipsilateral and contralateral dendritic arbors probably
interfere play expression. Unfortunately, this underfeeding paradigm has not
been used to evaluate its effects on play development in the juvenile rat. In
summary, the 50 kHz USVs emitted by pairs of well-fed rats before and during
juvenile playful interactions were significantly abundant and associated with
certain affective states with the partner. Furthermore, prenatally malnourished
pups emitted a smaller variety of calls, with fewer ascending USVs at PDs 7 and
9, and greater descending USVs at PD 11. The findings may indicate altered
interactions in central brain structures, and functional disorders that may
result in long-term brain deficits that affect juvenile play expression.
2.5. The hippocampus
and juvenile play development
The hippocampus is a
brain structure necessary for spatial learning, memory and attentive responses
that requires relevant environmental sensory information during play activity,
particularly somatosensory, visual, and auditory signals.62,63 Moreover, the hippocampus is overly sensitive to the noxious influence
of different stressors such as early food restriction and sensory deprivation.19 Thus, prenatally and neonatally undernourished rats
tested as adults in an 8-arm and then a 16-arm radial maze showed significantly
more error distributions in the complex maze and in the time taken to make the
choices in the spatial memory task compared with the well-fed controls.64 These behavioral deficiencies were correlated with
morphometric alterations (according to rapid Golgi) in the hippocampal growth
of 2-month-old rats fed with a low protein diet (8% casein) for 6, 12 and 18
months, compared with age-matched control rats and recovered rats, which were
nourished first with a low protein diet (8% casein) and then with a normal diet
(25% casein) for 6 months. The total number of granular hilar neurons of CA1
and CA3 pyramidal cells was significantly decreased in malnourished adult rats,
including the food recovered group not tested during the juvenile stage.
Additionally, early undernourished adult subjects exhibited impaired
high-frequency electrical stimulation of hippocampal dentate granule cells to
produce long-term potentiation and visuospatial learning compared with their
controls, suggesting a clear dysfunction associated with early malnutrition in
adult hippocampal behavioral activities, perhaps related to juvenile play
performance.39,65,66 However, the role of hippocampal system deficits
caused by perinatal undernutrition in juvenile play development requires
further investigation, particularly to understand the neuronal circuits
involved in play and the long-term consequences of these deficits on cognition
in healthy subject and subjects with brain disorders.67 In line
with the above, studies on the neurophysiological interactions between the
prefrontal cortex and hippocampus have determined that when the correlation or
synchronicity of these interactions is disrupted, they cause alterations in
cognition, emotions, fear and anxiety like in psychiatric disease.68 Additionally, these studies are consistent with
experimental evidence that, in the parietal association cortex,
thalamo-cortical projections for recruiting and spindling-like responses,
elicited by repetitive (6-9 sec) stimulation of the centrum
medianum-parafascicular complex, the intralaminar thalamic nuclei that are
synchronized and mutually connected for predictive behavioral responses.69 These cortical and subcortical structures are a part
of the complex neuronal networks involved in the expression of social play in
rats. Unfortunately, the functional interactions between these brain structures
associated with early food restriction during the play routine have not been
clearly elucidated.
2.6. Effects of visual stimulation
Several studies on
play fighting behavior of blinded or sighted juvenile rats used the brief
paired-encounter procedure, in which rats were observed in large or small
chambers on alternate days from PDs 28-43. The findings showed no significant
differences in play behavior regardless of pair composition or chamber size.70 The authors conclude that vision is not relevant for
initiating or maintaining play fighting. Play behavior in rats initiates after
the opening of the ears and eyes around PD 18, reaches a peak at PD 20, and
then gradually declines until PDs 30-40, remaining stable until adulthood.71 This behavioral sequence is concurrent with the
development of the morphological visual pathway and the maturation of
electrophysiological evoked cortical responses.21,72 In this
context, a possible explanation for the lack of effects of vision on juvenile
play performance may be that the researchers evaluated play behavior at a late
stage (PDs 28-43), when play activity was already reduced and stabler.6,73 In a similar study the effects of optic enucleation
on play fighting were evaluated in infant golden hamsters from PDs 30-36. The
authors noted that the differences in pinning, play fighting and grooming time,
as well as in the percentage of time spent in play fighting and the amount of
locomotion between blind-blind, blind-intact, and intact-intact dyads were
small and statistically insignificant.74 It is
possible that in other species the lack of vision may be compensated by sensory
systems that are more closely related to the physical contact stimulation that
play performance requires. Additionally, juvenile rats living under dim light
conditions and tested for play behavior when exposed to an intensely lit arena
showed suppressed pinning and decreased boxing/wrestling social responses. The
findings indicate that social responses in adolescent rats may be disrupted by
distinct levels of environmental organization or light conditions, even when
the visual system is not damaged.7 In summary, the role
of early undernutrition and its interaction with sight impairments during
juvenile play is still poorly understood.
3. Mother-litter bond influences
In mammals, mother-litter interactions play a fundamental role in
species preservation by eliciting plastic brain changes in the mother to
produce maternal behavior adaptive mechanisms directed to the newborn for their
survival and brain and behavioral
development.19,75 Several studies have shown that perinatal
undernutrition causes lasting deficits in maternal care, including reduced nest
building, nursing time, retrieval responses, licking of pups, and number of
contacts with pups, compared to controls.11 In this
context, rat pups emit different USVs that may serve as a powerful means of
communication with the mother to promote their physiological development. These
vocalizations have been studied under several distressing and motivational
situations, such as separation from the dam (frequency range from 30 to 50 kHz)
and exposure of the newborns to cold, acute isolation, and pain cues at 22 kHz.76-78 Furthermore, USVs for communication may be altered by
perinatal malnutrition (6% casein) and associated damage to various immature
brain structures when compared with well-nourished controls (25 % casein).60 From other studies, it is known that brain stem areas
associated with swallowing, breathing, and laryngeal motor innervations are
also necessary for phonation.79,80 Neuroanatomical
tracing studies provide a description of the central brain stem connections of
the axons within the superior and recurrent laryngeal nerves, the latter with a
special motor innervation to the intrinsic laryngeal muscles arising from the
caudal ambiguous nucleus (AMBc) motoneurons.81,82 These muscles and the vocal cord morphology change in neonatally
underfed rat pups.83 A pioneer study of USV recordings in malnourished
rats indicated that pup USVs reduced the dam’s nursing motivation in association
with reduced olfactory, visual, and auditory stimuli to localize, retrieve and
protect the young in a safe nest environment.60 In a
complementary Golgi-Cox morphometric study, our group evaluated the impact of
perinatal undernutrition and the salutary effects of daily body massage
stimulation (10 min) from PDs 4-15 on AMBc multipolar motoneuron development.84 These motoneurons were related to the laryngeal
intrinsic muscle innervation to produce USVs in neonatal rats.82 The results indicated that multipolar motoneuron
dendritic scores were reduced in both number and density at PDs 8, 12 and 15 in
the underfed subjects. Moreover, the somatic massage stimulation of pups for a
daily 10 min span (PDs 4 to 15) increased the body weight and the values of
morphological parameters in both experimental groups, although the dendritic
arbors of underfed and massage-stimulated rats only reduced their values at PD
15.84 In summary, these experimental findings showed that
USV alterations associated with perinatal malnutrition or early undernutrition
disrupted the mother-litter bonds. Moreover, the USV alterations were
associated with neuronal damage in various brain structures underlying the
integration of neonatal vocal communication at critical stages of life.
Additionally, the 50 kHz USV descending pattern of perinatally underfed rats
was reduced and not modified by early massage stimulation.84 The
current findings indicate that perinatal food restriction disrupts the sensory
morpho-functional brain organization subserving phonation and affects the USV
calls emitted during juvenile play expression of rats, in association with
other concurrent environmental factors during lactation and prepuberal stages.
In this regard, our findings are in line with recent studies on the memory
processes and anxiety-like behavior severely interfered when early
undernutrition was induced by the large litter sizes exposure.85
Perinatal stress and juvenile play development
Another point of interest concerns to the role of the perinatal
underfeeding paradigm as a stressor agent affecting the anatomical and
behavioral mother-infant interactions by increasing the release of glucocorticoids,
which reprogram the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis of the newborn to present non-adaptive juvenile
play responses.86 In this regard, it is known that during the first
week of a rat’s life there is a period of low or no stress response to
hypothermia, electric shock, or brief periods of maternal separation. This
depends on the immaturity of the portal blood vessels arising from the
hypothalamic median eminence or the maturation of distinct cell types in the anterior
pituitary gland of rats.87,88 In a recent study of
play development in the rat the underfeeding paradigm was initiated in F0 dams
during gestation by 50% to 70% of food restriction.10 which affected the
placental weight and functions causing deficiencies in fetal nutrition and
growth as previously described.89 Additionally, from
PDs 1 to 24, F1 underfed pups spent 12 h with a nipple-ligated dam and 12 h
with a normally lactating mother, where they received maternal sensory
stimulation in the encounter that ameliorated their low body weight and/or
reduced food consumption.90 Thereafter, UG F1
virgins slightly increased food consumption and body weight through a balanced
diet from PDs 25 to 90, without compensating the low body weight, which was
associated with their juvenile play deficiencies and disrupted bonding
interactions with the foster pups.91 Although the effects
of brief neonatal separation from the mother on early development were
attenuated in this study, the effects of gestational stress were not prevented.
Thus, a prenatal stress component may affect the connections of pyramidal and
multipolar neurons within the juvenile play networks, increasing the
glucocorticoid levels that reprogram the HPA axis of the early underfed young
to provide non-adaptive social behavioral responses.92 This
assumption may be supported by the long-term deficiencies associated with early
undernutrition and social stressors in juvenile play response, disturbed social
interactions, increased responses to novelty, deficient learning, decreased
exploratory behavior and brain disorders in adulthood.67,93 The
current data suggest that early food restriction results in long-term
impoverished maternal responses that may correlate with different hypoplastic
neuronal effects on the juvenile play relays, which may significantly and
differentially affect the thresholds and propagation of action potentials,
disrupting the synaptic plasticity underlying early cognitive responses such as
juvenile play expression. In summary of the neuronal interactions occurring
during the juvenile play expression in rats is grossly depicted in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Schematic
neuronal cortical/subcortical relay interactions occurring during the juvenile
play expression of rats. Asterisks, indicate places where early food
restriction interfered the neuronal play development. See text for
abbreviations. Data partly taken from.38
The aim of this review was to analyze and compare the effects of
different procedures of perinatal food restriction in rats and the associated
sensory maturation impairment and mother-litter bond deficiencies on the
mechanisms underlying juvenile play performance. In summary, deficits in the
maturation of the olfactory, gustatory, visual, somatosensory, and auditory
systems of newborns, commonly seen in early food restriction protocols, severely
disrupt brain development and functions. Moreover, repeated separation of pups
from the dams as an early stressor interferes with the sensory communication
required to achieve early experience and develop motor abilities for the
juvenile play expression of the progeny. Additionally, deficient mother-litter
bonds early in life may also affect the pup’s brain growth, behavioral
repertoire, and adaptive stress responses, all of which have been associated
with mental disorders and the propensity for addictions at later ages.
Furthermore, because the neuronal mechanisms underlying social play and
maternal-like responses varies with the activation of ancient subcortical and
cortical structures eliciting autonomic and motivational states, the study of
social play may be relevant to modulate motoric skill abilities and defensive
environmental adaptive responses. Most of our knowledge on synaptic networks
deficiencies subserving social play in mammal species, emerged from peripheral
and central lesions associated to early malnutrition or perinatal food
restriction. Thus, morphometric rapid and Golgi-Cox staining neuronal deficiencies and the reduced Fos-I
activation of cortical and subcortical structures were associated with lower
motivation and neuronal communication associated with early food
restriction Finally, under these
conditions, the juvenile play development model in the rat may be a useful tool
to analyze, during a sensitive stage in life, the impacts of a series of
noxious developmental factors disrupting the mechanisms for gathering early
experience and cognition.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the
publication of this article.
Partly supported by DGAPA/UNAM, IN200317. We thank Jessica
González-Norris for editorial assistance.
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